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NYC: Uncle Zhou Takes Henan Public

By Joshua M. Bernstein

Discovering China's great under-exposed cuisine

"Thirty years ago in America, you’d be hard-pressed to find Chinese food outside the culinary continuum of wonton soup, lo mein and sweet-and-sour chicken, a dish designed as a delivery system for sugar and red dye. But in the last decade, as sour-spicy Hunan and hot-and-numbing Sichuan restaurants fired up their woks, the country has been introduced to a growing galaxy of flavorful Chinese cuisine, not just deep-fried meat of dubious origin.

Of all the cuisines that have lately attracted our appetite — Southeast Asia–influenced Yunnan, seafaring Qingdao, hearty, dumpling-and-meat-heavy Dongbei — one school of cookery stands out: Henan cuisine. .."

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8200 Preston Rd

Suite 110,

Plano, TX 75024 

(469) 929-6622




11:00 am - 3:00 pm

5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Sun: Closed

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